Welcome to This Week in LiveCode! This is a weekly summary of what’s been going on in the LiveCode open source project and community. Want something mentioned? Tweet @LiveCode or send us an e-mail.

Updates from the LiveCode open source community

News & blog posts

Interesting discussions

Updates in the LiveCode open source project

17 pull requests were merged since the last issue.

New LiveCode releases

Notable changes

Bug of the week

Bug 19287 - clickLoc inconsistency between desktop (MacOS) and mobile (iOS)

The reporter discovered that the clickLock is the location where the mouse was pressed when running on desktop, and the location where the touch was released when running on a mobile device. The problem was extremely well-explained, and the reporter provided an easy-to-use code sample.

Help needed!

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Contributors this week

Upcoming events


This Week in LiveCode is openly developed on GitHub. If you find any errors in this issue, please file an issue or submit a pull request.